With funding from the Children’s Fund of Connecticut (CFC), CHDI collaborated with the William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund (WCGMF) and the Office of Early Childhood to award grants to communities as part of the larger WCGMF Discovery Initiative.
This funding partnership with WCGMF lasted from 2008-2016. During that time the Children's Fund of Connecticut invested over $1.4 million to support community efforts to develop and integrate health and mental health strategies in their early childhood systems planning. In its final year, the Discovery Initiative supported 52 communities in building early childhood systems working to ensure early learning success for children age birth to 8. Thirty-one of these communities received funding to continue to implement their comprehensive plans, which include health strategies.
Through our partnership with the Discovery Initiative, CHDI provided technical assistance to these communities to promote the integration of early child health within State and community school readiness plans. CHDI’s Early Child Health Data initiative (2013-2014) also provided additional funding and technical assistance to eight community collaboratives to harness local data from State Child Health Assessment Forms (yellow forms) and improve information sharing between health and early child care providers.
Our technical assistance work helped communities:
Blueprints for Early Child Health Services Integration
Early Child Health Data initiative