Our Work

Quality Improvement


CHDI is helping state policymakers and behavioral health providers improve children’s behavioral health programs, access to care, and outcomes through our quality improvement (QI) process.  

Quality Improvement ensures that the programs we spend millions of dollars on work equitably and effectively. For a small investment, quality improvement monitors outcomes, increases accountability, and continually improves care.  

Our Approach

CHDI uses a multi-step process to set goals, measure, evaluate, refine, and repeatOur approach ensures children’s behavioral health programs work as intended and operate with a continual focus on improving access, equity, quality, and outcomes. Policymakers and providers use our data and reports to inform decisions on what’s working, where improvements are needed, and where to allocate resources. 

Model Refinement and Goals 

We review and refine the model based on feedback from families, providers, and communities, then set goals for equitable access, quality, and outcomes. 

Benchmarks and Practice Standards 

We develop benchmarks and practice standards to measure and evaluate goal progress and support fidelity across providers and geographic areas – so families know what to expect regardless of where they get the service. 

Data Analysis and Reporting 

We collect and systematically analyze data to identify what’s working well, what is not working, and where there are inequities and disparities in access, quality, or outcomes.We continuously evaluate progress and provide reporting at the system and provider levels to help address concerns quickly and inform decision-making. 

Continuous Improvement Strategies: 

Continuous Improvement Strategies: We provide best-practice training that aligns with program goals and improves clinical competenciesas well as ongoing consultation and technical assistance to providers, program administrators, and policymakers on service- and system-level outcomes. 

Learn more about our current Initiatives: