CHDI is working to develop and test strategies for redesigning pediatric primary care to play a broader role in the health and well-being children and outline principles for changing how care is funded.
While health care is not the only sphere that can influence a child's life course, it represents a near-universal way to reach children and has potential to serve as a hub to connect families to services that can help them thrive.
In 2018, CHDI and the Connecticut Health Foundation convened a statewide study group of payers, providers, policymakers, and parent advocates to develop recommendations for a pediatric primary care delivery system that would increase the value of pediatric primary care to:
The study group’s final report, Transforming Pediatrics to Support Population Health: Recommendations for Practice Changes and How to Pay for Them, included the following recommendations, several of which have been included in proposals from the Office of Health Strategy for inclusion in statewide reform efforts.
A series of three webinars sponsored by the CHDI and designed by Commonwealth Medicine health policy experts shared experiences from other states in addressing children within health reform efforts. The webinars explored outcomes for reformed pediatric primary care, cross sector collaboration and new payment methodologies.
Pilot Testing Payment Innovations
Next steps include pilot testing innovations recommended in the report in pediatric primary care offices. The Connecticut Health Foundation and Children’s Fund of Connecticut have jointly dedicated $163,250 to support the next phase of this work and re-convening of the study group.