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Healthy beginnings for all children

CHDI advances policies and strategies to foster the best start in life for children and works to integrate social emotional development and trauma-informed care into settings where young children live, learn and play.

Strengthening early childhood systems

CHDI has a long history of working to ensure children are off to a healthy start. Our goal is to strengthen and integrate the systems that serve young children and support child-serving professionals in addressing the behavioral health and trauma needs of young children and their families.

Currently, we are teaming up to advance system improvements to ensure young children grow up healthy and thrive as part of the CT 359 Network

A female doctor of Latin decent, holds her stethoscope to her young patients chest as she listens to her heartbeat while she sits up on an exam table. The doctor is wearing a white lab coat and the patient is dressed casually as she looks up at her doctor

CT 359 Network 

The CT 359 Network is a diverse coalition of individuals and organizations committed to advancing the health and well-being of all the state’s younger children. Its vision is for all of Connecticut’s young children to be healthy, thriving, and developmentally on target at three, five, and nine.


Strengthening the Early Childhood Workforce

CHDI is supporting child-serving professionals in promoting healthy social emotional development and addressing the behavioral health and trauma needs of young children and their families. Learn more about our current initiatives in this area:

Counselor talks with young girl

Trauma ScreenTIME Early Childhood Course

This free, online course teaches early childhood professionals how to identify young children who have experienced trauma and connect those in need with effective services.

Learn About Trauma ScreenTIME

Children drawing and writing together at a table

Trauma Sensitive Practices in Early Childhood

We are developing research-based training to guide early childhood professionals in implementing trauma-informed and healing practices.

Learn About Early Childhood Trauma

Past Initiatives:


Explore our resources and publications for helpful information on early childhood.

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