Archive: Peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and other external publications co-authored by CHDI staff
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Connecting research, policy, and practice is central to CHDI's mission. CHDI staff frequently publish and/or co-author work in peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, papers, and other external publications, often in partnership with other institutions.
Find our most recent peer-reviewed publications in the Resource Library.
Below, browse a list of older publications (2022 and earlier):
- Hutchison, M., Theriault, K.M., Seng, K., et al. (2023). Youth Mobile Response and Stabilization Services: Factors Associated with Multiple Episodes of Care. Community Mental Health Journal, 59, 1619–1630.
- Kayla M. Theriault, Kellie G. Randall, Jeffrey J. Vanderploeg, Timothy M. Marshall (2022). Factors associated with repeated use of a mobile response service for children: An observational retrospective cohort study. Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 140, 106570, ISSN 0190-7409.
- Erum Nadeem, Elizabeth McNamee, Jason M. Lang, Diana Perry & Kristen Hassmiller Lich (2022). Novel Application of System Support Mapping for Sustainment of Trauma-focused Mental Health Intervention in School-Based Health Centers: A Case Study. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Vol. 8, Issue 2.
- Dubuque-Gallo, C., Kurz, B., Becker, J., Fendrich, M., Vanderploeg, J. (2022). Providers’ Perspectives on Implementing Mobile Crisis Services for Children and Youth in Connecticut. Child & Youth Care Forum.
- Hoge, M.A., Vanderploeg, J., Paris, M. et al. (2022). Emergency Department Use by Children and Youth with Mental Health Conditions: A Health Equity Agenda. Community Mental Health Journal.
- Lee, P., Lang, J.M., Vanderploeg, J.J., & Marshall, T. (2021). Evidence-Based Treatments in Community Mental Health Settings: Use and Congruence with Children’s Primary Diagnosis and Comorbidity. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 50, 417-430.
- Stenersen, Madeline R., Kelly, A., Bracey, J., Marshall, T., Cummings, M. Clark, K., Kaufman, J. (2021). Understanding Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Wraparound Care for Youths with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Psychiatric Services.
- Champine R.B., Lang J.M., Mamidipaka A. (2021). Equity-Focused, Trauma-Informed Policy Can Mitigate COVID-19’s Risks to Children’s Behavioral Health. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, July 2021.
- Linkenheil, A, Honigfeld, L, Pidano, A. Family History of Mental Health Disorders and Parental Help-Seeking for Behavioral Health Concerns in Pediatric Primary Care Offices. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, June 2021.
- Lang, J. M., Connell, C. M., & Macary, S. (2021). Validating the Child Trauma Screen Among a Cross-Sectional Sample of Youth and Caregivers in Pediatric Primary Care. Clinical Pediatrics, 60(4–5), 252–258.
- Schreier, A., Horwitz, M., Marshall, T., Bracey, J., Cummins, M., & Kaufman, J. S. Trauma Symptoms and Relationship With Child and Family Team Meeting Characteristics and Outcomes in a Statewide System of Care. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 2020.
- Lang, J., Lee, P., Connell, C., Marshall, T. and Vanderploeg, J. Outcomes, Evidence-Based Treatments, and Disparities In A Statewide Outpatient Children’s Behavioral Health System. Children and Youth Services Review, November 2020.
- Lange, B. C. L., Loser, A., & Lang, J. M. (2020). Caregiver satisfaction with their child’s trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication.
- Chafouleas, S. M., Koriakin, T. A., Iovino, E. A., Bracey, J., & Marcy, H. M. (2020). Responding to COVID-19: Simple Strategies that Anyone Can Use to Foster an Emotionally Safe School Environment. University of Connecticut.
- LoCurto, J., Pella, JE., Chan, C., & Ginsburg, G.S. (2020). Caregiver Report of the Utilization of School-Based Services and Supports Among Clinically Anxious Youth. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.
- LoCurto, J., Pella, J., Chan, G. et al. School-Based Clinicians Sustained Use of a Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Anxiety Disorders. School Mental Health (2020).
- Pidano, A., Segool, N., Delgado, N., Forness, K., Hagen, K., Gurganus, E. A., Honigfeld, L., Hess, C., Hicks, A., Mirgan, C. (2020). Parent Perceptions of Pediatric Primary Care Providers’ Mental Health-Related Communication and Practices. Journal of Pediatric Health Care.
- LoCurto J., Lang, J. & Simons-Rudolph, A. (2020). What is Trauma-Informed Care: An Example.
- Connell, C. M.,Lang, J. M., Zorba, B., Stevens, K (2019). Enhancing Capacity for Trauma-informed Care in Child Welfare: Impact of a Statewide Systems Change Initiative. American Journal of Community Psychology.
- Champine, R. B., Lang, J. M., Nelson, A. M., Hanson, R. F., & Tebes, J. K. (2019). Systems measures of a trauma-informed approach: A systematic review. American Journal of Community Psychology.
- Zarrabi, M., Kumar, S., Macary, S., Honigfeld, L. (2019). The Relationship Between Body Mass Index in Children and Insurance Type, Parental Eating Concern, Asthma, and Allergies. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, Volume 33, Issue 5, e29 - e37.
- Fendrich, M., Ives, M., Kurz, B., Becker, J., Vanderploeg, J., Bory, C., et al (2019). Impact of Mobile Crisis Services on Emergency Department Use Among Youths With Behavioral Health Service Needs. Psychiatric Services.
- Burrows G, Wagner C, DeFrancesco M, Greene J, Honigfeld L, Morosky C, Casagrande K , Cooper M. Regional neonatal abstinence syndrome education increases provider knowledge. Connecticut Medicine Special Issue, Finding Hope in the Battle Against the Opioid Overdose Crisis, 2019; 83,(5):261-67.
- Kaufman, J., Schreier, A., Graham, S., Marshall, T., & Bracey, J. (2019). Nothing About Us Without Us: Authentic participation of service recipients in system development. Children and Youth Services Review, 100: 422-427.
- Schreier, A., Horwitz, M., Marshall, T., Bracey, J., Cummins, M., & Kaufman, J. (2019). Child and family team meeting characteristics and outcomes in a statewide system of care. American Journal of Community Psychology 0:1-12.
- Campbell, K., Lang, J., & Zorba, B. (2018). Policy change to support trauma-informed care in child welfare. The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children Advisor, 30(3), 75–89.
- Oliver, J., & Lang, J. (2018). Barriers and consultation needs regarding implementation of evidence-based treatment in community agencies. Children and Youth Services Review, 94, 368–377.
- Connell, C. M., Pittenger, S. L., & Lang, J. M. (2018). Patterns of trauma exposure in childhood and adolescence and their associations with behavioral well-being. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 31(4), 518–528.
- Honigfeld L., & Meyers J. (2018). "Medical home and ASD." Entry in Volkmar, F. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of autism spectrum disorders. New York, NY: Springer.
- Hoover, S. A., Sapere, H., Lang, J. M., Nadeem, E., Dean, K. L., & Vona P. (2018). Statewide implementation of an evidence-based trauma intervention in schools. School Psychology Quarterly, 33(1), 44–53.
- Lang, J. M., & Connell, C. M. (2018). The child trauma screen: A follow-up validation. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 31(4), 540–548.
- Peterson, E. L., Pidano, A. E., & Honigfeld, L. (2018). Pediatric primary care providers’ reported likelihood to refer to mental health specialists. Families, Systems, and Health. 36(3), 410–414.
- Sowar, K., Thurber, D., Vanderploeg, J., & Haldane, E. (2018). Psychiatric community crisis services for youth. Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, 27(3), 479–490.
- Honigfeld, L., & Macary, S. J., Grasso, D. J. (2017). A clinical care algorithmic toolkit for promoting screening and next-level assessment of pediatric depression and anxiety in primary care. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 31(3), e15–e23.
- Hanson, R. F., Lang, J. M., Goldman Fraser, J., Agosti, J. R., Ake, G. S., Donisch, K. M., & Gerwitz, A. H. (2018). "Trauma-informed care: Definitions and statewide initiatives." In The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children Handbook on Child Maltreatment, 4th Edition, 272–291. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
- Lang, J. M., Ake, G., Barto, B., Caringi, J., Little, C., Baldwin, M. J., Sullivan, K., Tunno, A. M., Bodian, R., Stewart, C. J., Stevens, K., & Connell, C. M. (2017). Trauma screening in child welfare: Lessons learned from five states. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma,10(4), 405–416.
- Lang, J. M., & Connell, C. M. (2017). Development and validation of a brief trauma screening measure for children: The Child Trauma Screen. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 9(3), 390–398. doi:10.1037/tra0000235.
- Lang, J. M., Randall, K., Delaney, M., & Vanderploeg, J. J. (2017). A model for sustaining evidence-based practices in a statewide system. Families in Society, The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 98(1), 18–26.
- Macary, S. J., Honigfeld, L., Berry, M., & Wakefield, D. (2017). Hearing and vision screening in pediatric primary care and the sharing of results with early care and education programs. Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, 2(1), 48–54.
- Meyers, J. (2017). The world of foundations: An ideal setting for a community psychologist." In Viola, J. J. & Glantsman, O. (Eds.), Diverse career opportunities in community psychology: What you can do and how to prepare (pp. 69–77). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Pidano, A. E, Padukkavidana, M. M., & Honigfeld, L. (2017). Doctor, are you listening? Communication about children’s mental health and psychosocial concerns. Family, Systems & Health, 35(1), 91–93. doi:10.1037/fsh0000243.
- Pidano, A. E., Dale, L. P., Morgan, C. D., Wilbur, K. L., Sandhu, P., & Honigfeld, L. (2017). Different mental health-related symptoms, different decisions: A survey of pediatric primary care providers. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(12), 3525–3534.
- Roundfield, K. D., & Lang, J. M. (2017). Costs to community mental health agencies to sustain an evidence-based practice. Psychiatric Services, May 1, 2017.
- Stille, C., Honigfeld, L., Heitlinger, L., Kuo, D., & Werner, E. The pediatric primary care-specialist interface: A call for action. Journal of Pediatrics, 187, 303–308.
- Meyers, J. (2017). Reflections on 18 years of children’s mental health reform. Mental Health Weekly, 2(33), 5.
- Lang, J. M., & Connell, C. M. (January 2017). Measuring costs to community-based agencies for implementation of an evidence-based practice. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 44(1), 122–134.
- Lang, J. M., Campbell, K., Shanley, P., Crusto, C. A., & Connell, C. M. (2016). Building capacity for trauma-informed care in the child welfare system: Initial results of a statewide implementation. Child Maltreatment, 21(2), 113–124.
- Vanderploeg, J., Lu, J., Marshall, T., & Stevens, K. (2016). Mobile crisis services for children and families: Advancing a community-based model in Connecticut. Children and Youth Services Review, 71, 103–109.
- Hanson, R. F., & Lang, J. M. (2016) A critical look at trauma-informed care among agencies and systems serving maltreated youth and their families. Child Maltreatment, 21(2), 95–100.
- Pidano, A. E., Slater, C. M., Dale, L. P., Wilbur, K. L., Sandhu, P., Honigfeld, L. (2016). Availability of telephone-based child psychiatry consultation: Implications from a survey of pediatric providers in two states. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(8), 2607–2615.
- Greene, C. A., Ford, J. D., Ward-Zimmerman, B., Honigfeld, L., Pidano, A. (2016). Strengthening the coordination of pediatric mental health and medical care: Piloting a collaborative model for freestanding practices. Child and Youth Care Forum, 45(5), 729–744.
- Lang, J. M., Franks, R. P., Epstein, C., Stover, C. S., & Oliver, J. A. (2015). Statewide dissemination of an evidence-based practice using breakthrough series collaboratives. Children & Youth Services Review (55), 201–209.
- Grasso, D., Connor, D. F., Scranton, V., Macary, S., & Honigfeld, L. (2015). Implementation of a computerized algorithmic support tool for identifying depression and anxiety at the pediatric well-child visit. Clinical Pediatrics, 54(8), 796–799.
- Cloud, M., Lang, J. M., Crusto, C. A., Connell, C. M., & Melnick, E. (2014). Connecticut’s cross-system approach to heal traumatized children and promote well-being. Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, CW360, Spring 2014, 20–21.
- Huang, C. Y., Bory, C. T., Caron, C., Tebes, J. K., & Connell, C. M. (2014). Relationship of risk assessment to placement characteristics in a statewide child welfare population. Children and Youth Services Review, 46, 85–90.
- Lang, J. M., Berliner, L., Fitzgerald, M. M., & Franks, R. P. (2014). "Statewide efforts for implementation of evidence-based programs." In Reece, R. M., Hanson, R., & Sargent, J. (Eds.), Treatment of child abuse: Common ground for mental health, medical and legal practitioners, 2nd Edition, pp. 246–254. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Volkmar, F. R., Rowberry, J., deVinck-Baroody, O., Gupta, A. R., Leung, J., Meyers, J., Vaswani, N., & Weisner, L. (2014). "Medical care in autism and related conditions." In Volkmar, F. R., Rogers, S. J., Paul, R., & Pelphrey, K. A. (Eds.), Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorders: Vol. 1, Diagnosis, development, and brain mechanisms, 4th Edition, pp. 532–555. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
- Pidano, A. & Honigfeld, L., Bar-Halpern, M., & Vivian, J. E. (2014). Pediatric primary care providers’ relationships with mental health care providers: Survey results. Child and Youth Care Forum, 43(1), 135–150. doi:10.1007/s10566-013-229-7.
- Roberts, Y. H., Bory, C. T., Franks, R. P., Lang, J., & Vanderploeg, J. (January 2013). The Newtown tragedy and Connecticut’s trauma-informed response. Section in Child Maltreatment Newsletter, Division 37, American Psychological Association.
- Bracey, J. R., Foley Geib, C., O’Leary, J. R., Anderson, A., Herscovitch, L., O’Connell, M., & Vanderploeg, J. J. (August 2013). Connecticut’s comprehensive approach to reducing in-school arrests: Changes in statewide policy, systems coordination, and school practices. Family Court Review. (Republication of a book chapter published in 2012).
- Franks, R. P., and Schroeder, J. (2013). Implementation science: what do we know and where do we go from here? In Halle, T. G., Metz, A. J., & Martinez-Beck, I. (Eds.), Applying implementation science in early childhood programs and systems, pp. 15–19. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
- Bracey, J., Geib, C., Plant, R., O’Leary, J., Anderson, A., Herscovitch, L., O’Connell, M., & Vanderploeg, J. (July 2013). Connecticut’s comprehensive approach to reducing in-school arrests: Changes in statewide policy, systems coordination and school practices. Family Court Review 51(3).
- Johnson, D., Chung, P., Schroeder, J., & Meyers, J. (2012). Bridging silos, improving systems. Foundation Review 4(2), 84–97.
- Pidano, A., Honigfeld, L. (September 2012). Pediatric psychopharmacology: Context, model programs, and considerations for care. Psychiatric Services 63(9), 929–34.
- Plant, R. W., Campbell, K., Lang, J. M., & Cloud, M. (July 2012). CONCEPT: Moving CT toward trauma informed practice. Common Ground: The Newspaper of the New England Association of Child Welfare Commissioners and Directors, XXVI(1), 7.
- Franks, R. (December 2010). Role of the intermediary organization in promoting and disseminating mental health best practices for children and youth: The Connecticut Center for Effective Practice. Published in Emotional & Behavioral Disorders in Youth.
December 2022