Our Work

School-Based Mental Health


CHDI is committed to improving the mental health of Connecticut’s children where they live and learn. Schools can play an important role in identifying youth in need of help and linking them to school and community mental health services.

Integrating mental health services in school settings promotes significant benefits for both schools and students. School-based mental health services:

  • Increase access to a continuum of quality health care services and supports;
  • Reduce barriers to family and community engagement;
  • Improve students’ social and academic outcomes;
  • Support healthy child development; and
  • Result in cost savings for school districts and communities. 

Our work helps schools build their capacity to identify and treat behavioral health concerns so children can reach their full potential.

Learn more about our work to support and deliver school-based mental health initiatives, including:

Read our latest IMPACT, which provides a comprehensive framework for states and school districts to address the mental health and trauma needs of students.

CHDI is currently recruiting K-12 schools and districts across Connecticut to participate in CONNECT IV, a new initiative to support school mental health.

We are accepting applications on a rolling basis from interested schools and districts to receive free technical assistance to enhance their school mental health services and systems. Financial incentives for schools/districts are available. Click here to learn more about CONNECT IV.


Jeana Bracey - Associate Vice President of School and Community Initiatives

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